Collection: Lettuce Seeds

Let our vast range of lettuce seeds welcome you to a whole new exciting salad experience! No need to be restricted by the supermarket's drab options of iceberg or romaine. Crisp Little Gem or the buttery richness of Tom Thumb or Buttercrunch will dress up your dinner table. Salad bowls will never be the same once you plant vibrant lettuce seeds like Salad Bowl Red or Bronze Mignonette in your garden.

About our lettuce seed varieties

  • 38 varieties of lettuce seeds
  • Top performers in AAS trials
  • Easy to grow and maintain
  • Homegrown lettuce is incredibly fresh

About our lettuce seed varieties

  • %count% varieties of lettuce seeds
  • Top performers in AAS trials
  • Easy to grow and maintain
  • Homegrown lettuce is incredibly fresh

Fresh and long-lasting lettuce to enjoy at home

There's nothing more satisfying than a salad on a warm spring day. Store-bought salads, on the other hand, frequently wilt and get slimy within a few days of being brought home. Be honest—how exciting is it to get to chose between romaine and iceberg lettuce? What if you grew your own lettuce this year? So you could choose between a more expanded variety with cultivars such as Buttercrunch, Little Gem, or Mesclun Mix instead?

Besides tasting great, lettuce is also beautiful in the garden

You'd be surprised how easy it is to grow lettuce. It's a prolific vegetable that will grow countless times after being cut. Homegrown lettuce is a nutrient-dense superfood high in Vitamin A, which is essential for maintaining healthy skin, eyes, and bones. At the very least, you should cultivate lettuce solely because it is a beautiful vegetable in the garden. It can be any shade of green or a deep purple, depending on the variety. Organic strains can have a blend of the two colors. Lettuce has a taste that is as bright as its color. Even the pickiest palates will find something to like among the flavor profiles, which vary from buttery to nutty.

Many ways to grow lettuce

Lettuce is a versatile leafy vegetable that can be grown in a number of ways. During the shoulder seasons of spring and fall, it grows well outside in a temperate climate. Lettuce will bolt and turn bitter during the hottest days of summer so this green vegetable is best suited as a cool-weather crop. Space transplants at least eight inches apart for loose-head varieties and at least 16 inches apart for firm-head varieties. Leaf lettuce plants should be spaced approximately four inches apart. Head lettuces take a few weeks longer to harvest than leaf lettuces, which may be picked a month after sowing. In any event, order additional lettuce seeds and plant successions every seven to ten days.

Lettuce as a microgreen

Lettuce is a popular microgreens alternative, in case you didn't know. Microgreens are a terrific addition to salads, sandwiches, smoothies, and more. To grow lettuce as a microgreen, fill a seed tray with soil and multi-sow a pinch of lettuce seeds in each cell. Water the seedlings until they reach two inches in height or their first set of true leaves appear, whichever comes first. With a pair of scissors, cut seedlings at the base. Plan weekly succession plantings to maintain a continual supply of these tasty microgreens.

Eden Brothers' lettuce seed is your ticket to more delicious salads this year. Don't waste your time and money on store-bought lettuce. If you cultivate your own, you'll be craving them all year.

For more information about planting, growing, and harvesting lettuce seeds, see the Lettuce Seeds Planting Guide.